September 24, 2018 Nurul Aida Aziz 0 Comments

Assalamualaikum and heyy guyss~

Well, today entry has nothing to do with any skincare reviews or K-Drama reviews but I want to inform you guys that I will be on hiatus from publishing any entries for the upcoming 2 or 3 months.

This is mainly because I can't barely find any of my free time to publish some entries by months since my parents' schedule has been ultimately full as the stated time so I decided to put my passion on writing for a hiatus.

BUT! Once everything is settle, I swear to continue my writing like usual and I kinda have lots of things to write when I come back later to redeem for the lost time. I actually wanted to write them as soon as I can but responsibility came first, guyss! 😉

So, I kinda want to give you, uhmm maybe lots of spoilers about what I'm gonna publish when I get back which are some reviews on local products that I have tried and loved and I also gonna put the thread that I'm going to make at Twitter about every local products that I have mentioned earlier, my current skincare routine and also a sneak peek on what I have on my dressing table.

I really can't wait to start writing again and pour all my passion and determination here!

Until next time, guyss! Thank you for reading and dropping by!